Create hand-drawn GIFs on paper.

output animation

How it works

Ready to make a GIF? It's easy!

1. Print 🖨️

Print a template.

2. Draw ✏️

Draw in each frame.

3. Upload 📱

Take a photo and upload.

Arteater digests your art and transforms it into an animated GIF you can save and share.


Print these.


Apply generous seasoning.

effect examplePing pong ( 🏓)

Bounce your loop back and forth.

effect exampleMario ( 👾)

Tickle your pixel-art nostalgia bone.

effect exampleColor spin ( 🍭)

Take your art for a spin around the color wheel.

effect exampleWobble ( 👋)

Rotate and rock your layers back and forth.

effect exampleBlur attack ( 🤜)

Aggravate your art with motion blur.

effect exampleParallax ( 🚞)

Get your art traveling through a landscape using parallax.

effect exampleFPS [1–36]

Control the frames per second of your animation. Example: FPS 4.

Enter effects on the Uploader page.


Full of hands-on GIF activities.

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